Courses and popcorn
I suppose I should post my course schedule on my blog since I am now in the second week of classes.
And on a completely random note, as can be seen in the picture to the right, Val was excited the other night when she discovered the bag of popcorn she has popped was filled to the very top with popcorn. She was thrilled to see that she had received her money's worth, unlike in the US, as she said. Unfortunately we are not used to the microwave and the popcorn, so a good portion of the full bag was burned.
MondayI just got back to the apartment from my first tutorial (for News and Technology) - last week there were no tutorials, just lectures. I like that class because it is my smallest, with only 16 students. My other classes easily have 60 students minimum, but as many as 170 I would estimate (I'm not great with guessing crowd sizes though ...). I'm still trying to get used to the way courses operate here ... rather than assignments on a weekly basis or even more frequently, there are only three or four pieces of assessment to determine my marks for each course. I knew it would be a different system than I was used to at Etown, but it a little confusing when trying to figure out what I need to do to prepare for the next lecture ... do I read the next two chapters? ... do I do nothing? ... do I look at Blackboard to review the three pieces of assessment again? I'll get the hang of it eventually.
10:00-10:50 -- News and Technology
12:00-1:50 -- News and Technology
4:00-5:50 -- Developmental Psychology
10:00-11:50 -- Contemporary Australia
1:00-1:50 -- Contemporary Australia
2:00-3:50 -- Geographical Information and Analysis
4:00-5:20 -- Contemporary Australia (not every week)
10:00-10:50 -- Geographical Information and Analysis
12:00-1:50 -- Developmental Psychology

I like the Monday and Friday Schedule. Hope it doesn't wear you down.
Posted by
Anonymous |
8/03/2006 10:03 AM
I was anonymous - U.J.
Posted by
Anonymous |
8/03/2006 10:04 AM