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Monday, August 21, 2006 

Father's Day Footy

Last night we bought four tickets to see a Brisbane Broncos rugby game in two weeks. Val, Natalie, Chris and I will get our first dose of National Rugy League (NRL) footy Sunday, Sept. 3, which is Father's Day in Australia. We have aisle seats in the 23rd row at one of the ends of Suncorp Stadium near one of the goals. I have only watched a little it of rugby on TV a few times and I'm not sure if it was even League or Union rugby (not that it would matter because I'm still trying to figure out the basics). There is also a rugby game straight across the street every Saturday at 3:00 p.m., but I also haven't watched enough of that to know what is going on. My homework over the next two weeks is to read up on how the game works and hopefully catch a few games on TV and across the street.