What to do in Sydney ...
Bridge, opera, caves, tower, ghosts, Olympics, skates, marine life, ship, boat, and raft.
Last night Val and I started mapping out what we are going to do over our four days in Sydney during our mid-semester break (which is now less than one month away). I was flipping through the Sydney section of my AAA, Fodor's and Lonley Planet books and stumbled upon an amazing Sydney discount card. We have decided to buy a card good for three days, which will cover free admission, drinks, meals, souvenirs, etc. at 40 Sydney area attractions. We read through the Web site for what we could do with the card, selected what seemed interesting and noteworthy, did further research online and in my books, and added in a few more items to bring our list of Sydney activities up to 16 for our four days in the largest city on the continent. The first line of this post is just a glimpse of the fun we have penciled in for our trip. We are waiting for our cards and a 144-page guidebook to Sydney to be posted to us, then we can make the necessary reservations and come up with our itinerary to fit into the blank spots on our mid-semester break schedule.
We have scheduled one portion of our Sydney adventure already, check out my post Just booked: Sydney and Alice Springs to see what it is and what I will be doing after the first four days of break.
Last night Val and I started mapping out what we are going to do over our four days in Sydney during our mid-semester break (which is now less than one month away). I was flipping through the Sydney section of my AAA, Fodor's and Lonley Planet books and stumbled upon an amazing Sydney discount card. We have decided to buy a card good for three days, which will cover free admission, drinks, meals, souvenirs, etc. at 40 Sydney area attractions. We read through the Web site for what we could do with the card, selected what seemed interesting and noteworthy, did further research online and in my books, and added in a few more items to bring our list of Sydney activities up to 16 for our four days in the largest city on the continent. The first line of this post is just a glimpse of the fun we have penciled in for our trip. We are waiting for our cards and a 144-page guidebook to Sydney to be posted to us, then we can make the necessary reservations and come up with our itinerary to fit into the blank spots on our mid-semester break schedule.
We have scheduled one portion of our Sydney adventure already, check out my post Just booked: Sydney and Alice Springs to see what it is and what I will be doing after the first four days of break.
Hi Kyle!
Just wanted to let you know that I miss seeing you here at Etown, but I'm glad that you're having such a fun time on your AUSTRALIAN ADVENTURE! I have really been enjoying reading your blog and seeing all the neat photos that you put up. Keep up the good work and enjoy yourself! Val is lucky to have such an experienced world traveler with her :)
<3 Kate
Posted by
Anonymous |
9/04/2006 6:21 AM