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Monday, November 06, 2006 

3:30 a.m.

It is 3:30 a.m. right now.

I have refused to post anything new on my blog until I completed posting about my trip in September to Sydney and Alice Springs, but I have decided to break my silence and give up on my procrastination. I will try to post about all I did on my mid-semester break soon, but I want to post about other happenings in the meantime.

I am up right now because I am tracking my dad's split times in the New York City Marathon. Every 5 kilometers I receive an e-mail letting me know his progress in the race. I have been looking forward to today since my dad told me about his acceptance into the marathon months ago because I knew I would be able to track him and "watch" him run, from Australia.

Well, about three hours ago I started to attempt to load the tracking Web site. from 12:20 a.m. until 3:17 a.m. local time I tried to load the Web site in four different browser windows on my computer and Val's computer before I finally had success in having the page load. I was very upset when the page wouldn't load for me at first and then the clothes dryer died on me and I couldn't restart it. Luckily, Val was able to fix the dryer, by doing the same things I had done in attempt to fix it, but of course she succeeded.

My dad is over half way done with the marathon at this point. He has picked up his pace and despite being slightly behind his goal split times for much of the first 13.1 miles, at the 25 km point he has sped up to ahead of his goals. Yippee!

I'm sad that I can't be there to barrack (Aussie word!) for him in person, but it is great that I can be kept in the loop with his progress. If he finishes in under 3:35:00.00 he qualifies for the Boston Marathon in April. Run Dad, Run! :)